
Shop our exciting new Citrus Juicer

Drinkpod pH Restore Glass Alkaline Water PitcherGlass Water Jug for High pH, Pure Drinking Water

Experience the safety and efficiency of our ultra portable magnetic induction cooktops.

Quick-Connect +3 Filter Pods Package


Filter replacement package includes:

  • 1x Particulate Scrub Filter Pod (Sediment)
  • 1x Chemical Scrub Filter Pod (Pre-Carbon)
  • 1x Polishing Scrub Filter Pod (Post-Carbon)



  • Particulate Scrub
    This filter utilizes a nano-fiber woven particulate barrier and silver to remove sediments & elements such as lead, such as dirt, sand, and other particles that may cause cloudiness.
  • Chemical Scrub
    This filter utilizes compressed free carbons absorb chemical and pharmaceutical pollutants, and eliminate chlorine, lead, and organic contaminants, as well as remove odors, and improve of taste.
  • Polishing Scrub
    This filter utilizes an activated carbon block, designed to prevent the propagation of germs, and eliminate odor, bad taste, and color matter melted into your water.


For more information, see additional details sections underneath 'TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS'.


W x H x D

Warranty:30 Days Sealed In Original Package

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